We are #1 on
IT Onsite careers in Europe.

Apply now and start working in Europe in less than 3 months*


Successfully joined with Passport Talent


From Western and Northern Europe


From major companies to SME, in every industries


From major companies to SME, in every industries

A whole world of opportunities awaits you!

Passport Talent is a french-indian tech recruitment company with offices in Paris and Bangalore, specialized in onsite and remote IT jobs.

The mother company was created in France in 2014 and is still operating in IT and Digital, providing to its clients a deep expertise in sourcing and providing top IT specialists over the world, both onsite and offshore, for their projects.

Since 2016, we have grown our focus on international recruitments, thanks to a new type of french visa allowing highly qualified foreign workers to come over to Europe on a permanent contract / long stay visa : PASSPORT TALENT VISA.

What We Do


Deal with the compliances

Once your application is shortlisted and you have accepted our contract offer, our time takes care of all the formalities. You are now part of our team, so we got you covered.


All through the process

From filling the visa form, taking an appointment to the consulate, to collecting your residency card in Europe, we have a team dedicated to make these steps hassle-free for you.


Sponsor the visa

Providing you successfully pass the recruitment process, we will provide the passport talent visa. Holding this type of visa, you are entitled to a permanent contract with our company and are able to work legally in Europe.


For you and your family

Relatives ( spouse and kids) are automatically eligible for getting the visa. This will allow them to be with you, but also work, study and enjoy health care.


Prospect your future clients

We find the clients and secure the contracts with them before you join in Europe. We also have a very large base of existing clients we provide service to and we will share your profile with.


Let you pick the position you like

The more interviews you successfully take, the more picky you can be! We let our employees chose the client, the industry, the project they feel they can get the more accomplishements from.


Provide a permanent contract

No contract, no short term, you're secured! We provide to our employees a permanent contract under the French law. This is one of the most protective in the world.


A very attractive package

Besides the basic salary, we offer very appealing benefits : premium health insurance, vacation allowance, paid holidays, unlimited sick leaves, transportation allowances, ...


Assist you in your daily life

Settling down in a foreign country in never a easy thing when it comes to deal with the administration. This is why our team will assist you with tasks such as housing, social security, driving licence, taxes,...


Provide training and certifications

Reaching onsite is not the end of the journey, it's actually the very beginning of a better you: this is why we continuously provide skills upgrade opportunities.

Modal Title

Our recruitment process

September 20, 2024 10:56 am
Online Application
First step is easy! Fill up the form and upload your resume. Once our team have reviewed it, they will notify you if your application has been selected. Please be patient as we receive hundred of cv per week!
September 20, 2024 10:56 am
Application Review
Weither your application have been approved or rejeted, you will hear from us again. Rejected, we tell you why. Approved, we tell you when for the next step.
Skype Interview
Ok, you match our prerequisites in terms of seniority, expertise and experience. But there is still a long way to go.
Background Check
If you have reached here, it means your personality, your values and your experience sounds valuable to us. Just checking your are a worthy candidate and not just a good actor.
Technical Test
This is the part everyone fears: we believe that's the part you show off your magics!
HR Interview
During this step, we review together each topic in detail that will define our future relationship and we make sure we are on the same line to agree.
Contract Offer
You have successfully went through our selection and it means to us your the perfect pick. Let's shake hands!
Visa Application
It's time for your to take an appoitment at the consulate. The issuance is usually quite fast.
Intensive Language Course
You will be learning in no time how to speak french, german or spanish at a top-notch institute.
Congrats! Your new life starts now!
You went successfully through all the steps and you will fly in no time to your new life.

What's in there for you.

YES! Passport Talent is completely free of charges!

What are the candidates requirements?

Here is a hint : a dose of expertise,
a love for challenges and a load of motivation!


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Have a question?Reached out to us TODAY!

We are constantly looking for business partners to support our growth. If you are an investor, a CTO or a business developer, feel free to contact us, our business department will revert to you shortly.